Cornish Rex Training A Guide to Raising a Well-Behaved Cat

Cornish Rex Training

Training a Cornish Rex can be effective using simple and consistent methods tailored to their lively and intelligent nature. Engaging them in activities like fetch, and teaching tricks such as sitting, shaking, or waving, can provide both physical exercise and mental stimulation. Starting training around 12 to 16 weeks of age is ideal, as this is a critical developmental period.

Training a Cornish Rex cat can be effective due to their intelligence and eagerness to learn. Using methods like clicker training or target training helps establish a strong bond between you and your cat while avoiding potential conflicts. It’s important to set a structured training program to achieve the best results.

Training a Cornish Rex cat is generally straightforward due to their intelligent and playful nature. It’s important to start training early and be consistent. Focus on using positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to encourage good behavior. Regular social interaction and mental stimulation are also beneficial for their development.

Cornish Rex training

Cornish Rex cats are renowned for their high intelligence, often likened to that of dogs in terms of their ability to learn and follow commands. Their sharp minds crave stimulation, and structured training is an excellent way to satisfy this need. By understanding their cognitive abilities, you can tailor your training methods to maximize their learning potential.

In addition to being smart, Cornish Rex cats are incredibly active and playful. Their energy and curiosity make them eager participants in games and challenges, which can be used to make training both fun and effective. Whether it’s chasing a toy or learning a new trick, their playful nature is a great asset during training sessions.

  • Cornish Rex cats have dog-like intelligence.
  • They need mental stimulation through training.
  • Their playful nature makes them eager to participate.
  • Tailor training to their cognitive abilities for the best results.
  • Use games and challenges to make training fun.

Basic Training Principles

Starting Cornish Rex training early is crucial for establishing a strong bond and instilling good habits in your Cornish Rex. Kittens are especially adaptable and eager to learn, making this the ideal time to introduce basic commands and routines. Early Cornish Rex training helps create a foundation of trust and mutual understanding, which is vital for more advanced training later on.

Cornish Rex training benefits greatly from positive reinforcement. By rewarding your Cornish Rex with treats, praise, or playtime when they perform desired behaviors, you reinforce those actions and encourage repetition. Consistency in your commands and rewards is essential in Cornish Rex training to help your cat learn quickly and effectively.

Incorporating regular Cornish Rex training sessions into your routine will also help maintain your cat’s engagement and focus. Remember that patience and persistence are key components of successful Cornish Rex training. By starting early and using positive reinforcement, you’ll set the stage for a well-behaved and happy Cornish Rex.

Effective Cornish Rex training involves understanding your cat’s unique personality and adapting your approach accordingly. Each Cornish Rex may have different motivators and responses, so being flexible in your training methods can lead to better results.

American curl munchkin

Teaching Your Cornish Rex to Sit

Training your Cornish Rex to sit is one of the simplest and most useful commands you can teach. Start by holding a treat above your cat’s head and slowly moving it backward. As your cat follows the treat with their eyes, they will naturally sit down. The moment they do, reward them with the treat and verbal praise to reinforce the behavior.

This command not only helps in managing your cat’s behavior but also serves as a building block for more complex tricks. Regular practice is essential to make the command second nature to your Cornish Rex. Over time, they will learn to associate the word “sit” with the action and the reward that follows.

  • Hold a treat above your cat’s head to encourage sitting.
  • Reward immediately when your cat sits down.
  • Use this command as a foundation for more complex tricks.
  • Practice regularly to reinforce the behavior.
  • Combine verbal praise with treats for better results.

Training Your Cat to Come on Command

Teaching your Cornish Rex to come when called is not only practical but also enhances their safety. Begin by using a treat or a favorite toy to get their attention. Call your cat’s name followed by the word “come,” and when they approach, reward them generously. This positive reinforcement encourages them to respond to the command consistently.

This command is particularly useful for keeping your cat under control, especially in situations where their safety might be at risk. With time and patience, your Cornish Rex will learn to associate coming when called with positive outcomes, making this one of the most valuable commands you can teach.

  • Use treats or toys to encourage your cat to come.
  • Reward generously when they respond to the command.
  • This command is essential for your cat’s safety.
  • Consistent practice is necessary for success.
  • Use a calm and inviting tone to encourage your cat.

Mastering the “Stay” Command

The “stay” command is another essential behavior to teach your Cornish Rex, helping to manage their movements and keep them safe. Start by having your cat sit, then slowly back away while giving the command “stay.” If your cat remains in place, reward them immediately. Gradually increase the distance between you and your cat as they become more comfortable with the command.


  • Begin with your cat sitting, then give the “stay” command.
  • Reward immediately when your cat stays in place.
  • Gradually increase the distance to strengthen the command.
  • Patience is key when teaching the “stay” command.
  • Consistent practice will lead to success.

Devon Rex Cats: An In-Depth Overview

Devon Rex cats are known for their unique appearance and lively personality. With their distinctive curly coats and playful nature, they are a popular choice among cat enthusiasts. Here’s a comprehensive look at what you need to know about Devon Rex cats.

Rex Cats

The term “Rex cat” encompasses several breeds with unique, curly coats. The Devon Rex and Cornish Rex are the most well-known. Both breeds share a similar curly fur trait but differ in their coat textures and physical features.

Calico Devon Rex Cats

Calico Devon Rex cats are a stunning variation of the breed, featuring the distinctive calico color pattern. Their curly, soft fur adds to their unique appearance, making them particularly eye-catching.

Devon Rex Care

Proper care is essential to keep your Devon Rex healthy and happy. This includes a balanced diet, regular vet check-ups, and maintaining their unique coat. Due to their curly fur, Devon Rex cats require special grooming to prevent matting and manage oil buildup.

Owning a Devon Rex

Owning a Devon Rex comes with several benefits and considerations. These cats are known for their playful and affectionate nature, making them great companions. They are also relatively low-shedding, which can be advantageous for people with allergies. However, their unique coat requires regular grooming to keep it in good condition.

Devon Rex Grooming

Devon Rex grooming involves more than just regular brushing. Due to their curly coat, they are prone to oil buildup, which can lead to greasy fur if not managed properly. Regular bathing and gentle brushing are necessary to maintain their coat and overall hygiene.

How Many Devon Rex Cats Are in the U.S.?

The exact number of Devon Rex cats in the U.S. is challenging to determine, but they are less common than some other breeds. They are, however, gaining popularity due to their unique appearance and friendly nature. Breed registries and cat shows can provide estimates on their numbers and distribution.

Devon Rex Bald Patches

Devon Rex cats may occasionally develop bald patches, which can be due to a variety of reasons, including skin conditions, allergies, or parasites. Regular vet visits and proper grooming can help manage and prevent these issues.

Devon Rex Pros and Cons


  • Affectionate and Playful: Devon Rex cats are known for their engaging and loving personalities.
  • Low-Shedding: Their curly coat sheds less compared to other breeds.
  • Unique Appearance: Their distinct curly fur and large ears make them stand out.


  • Grooming Needs: Their coat requires regular care to manage oil and prevent matting.
  • Sensitive Skin: They can be prone to skin issues and need regular vet check-ups.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Their short, curly fur makes them more susceptible to temperature extremes.

Puzzle Toys and Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Cat Sharp

Puzzle toys are an excellent way to keep your Cornish Rex mentally stimulated. These toys often dispense treats as your cat solves the puzzle, satisfying their natural curiosity and intelligence. Introduce these toys gradually, and watch as your cat enjoys the challenge of figuring them out.

  • Puzzle toys keep your cat mentally engaged.
  • Often dispense treats, adding extra motivation.
  • Satisfies your cat’s natural curiosity and intelligence.
  • Prevents boredom and reduces destructive behaviors.
  • Essential for your cat’s mental well-being.

Agility Training: Harnessing Their Energy

Agility training is a fantastic way to harness the energy of your Cornish Rex while providing them with physical exercise. Set up a simple obstacle course using items like tunnels, jumps, and weave poles. Guide your cat through the course using treats and praise, gradually increasing the complexity as they become more confident.

  • Set up a simple obstacle course with tunnels and jumps.
  • Use treats and praise to guide your cat through the course.
  • Gradually increase the complexity of the course.
  • Provides physical exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Strengthens the bond between you and your cat.

Crate Training: Making Travel Easier

Crate training your Cornish Rex can make travel and vet visits much easier. Start by introducing the crate as a safe and comfortable space, placing treats and familiar bedding inside to encourage your cat to explore it. Gradually increase the time your cat spends in the crate, always rewarding them for staying calm.

Kinkalow Munchkin x American Curl

Using Clicker Training for Advanced Tricks

Clicker training is an effective method for teaching advanced tricks to your Cornish Rex. The clicker serves as a marker that tells your cat they’ve done something right, followed by a treat as a reward. Start with simple commands and gradually move on to more complex tricks as your cat becomes accustomed to the process.

  • The clicker serves as a marker for correct behavior.
  • Follow the click with a treat to reinforce the action.
  • Start with simple commands and progress to advanced tricks.
  • Enhances communication between you and your cat.
  • Consistency and patience are key to successful clicker training.

Managing Behavioral Issues: A Gentle Approach

Addressing behavioral issues in your Cornish Rex requires a gentle and patient approach. Common problems like scratching, biting, or excessive vocalization can often be managed by understanding the underlying causes and redirecting your cat’s behavior. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and avoid punishment, which can lead to fear and anxiety.

Building a Strong Bond Through Training

Training is not just about teaching commands; it’s also a way to build a strong and lasting bond with your Cornish Rex. Through training, you communicate with your cat, establish trust, and create a mutual understanding that strengthens your relationship. This bond makes your cat more responsive to commands and more eager to spend time with you.


Training your Cornish Rex is a rewarding journey that goes beyond simply teaching tricks. It’s about fostering a deep connection, enhancing your cat’s well-being, and creating a harmonious home environment. By understanding your cat’s unique needs and applying positive reinforcement, you can help your Cornish Rex reach their full potential as a well-behaved and loving companion.

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